Z&G Shipping

Contact Us

Get in contact with us

If you need assistance, information or a quote for our services, please contact us by filling out the form or by contacting us through emails.

We will be happy to give you all the attention and support


+58 (286)-922.98.20 

Mobile: +58 (414) 877.39.92


Puerto Ordaz: Centro Comercial Villa Alianza, nivel III, locales 105 Y 106, Urb. Villa Alianza, Puerto Ordaz, Ciudad Guayana estado Bolívar, Venezuela.

Puerto La Cruz: Centro Comercial Plaza Mayor, edificio 6, nivel II, sector B, oficina 220, Lechería estado Anzoátegui, Venezuela.


Office in Puerto Ordaz

Office In Puerto La Cruz

Z&G Shipping, CA offers Shipping Agency services in Puerto Ordaz and Puerto La Cruz with the highest efficiency, quality and innovation.
Z&G Shipping, C.A. ofrece servicios de Agenciamiento Naviero en Puerto Ordaz y Puerto La Cruz con la más alta eficiencia, calidad e innovación.